轻舞倾城 发表于 2018-11-8 16:12:22


弱弱的问下,slide中锚杆参数 tensile capacity/plate capacity/bond capacity 三个参数怎么设置,看了帮助,没看懂,跟规范上锚杆的感觉不一样。

佐小安 发表于 2018-11-8 16:12:36

I am not familer with Slide program. but similarly all programs for soil nail wall analysis are same

tensile capacity - capacity of nail

plate capacity - capacity of bearing plate, usally not meaningful as you could check the soil nail facing separately.

bond capacity - capacity of soil/grout interface (one more for grout/nail, but that is not the critical one)

醉冷倾城 发表于 2018-11-8 16:13:12


轻舞倾城 发表于 2018-11-8 16:13:21

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